pay up
英 [peɪ ʌp ]
美 [peɪ ʌp ]
以上各词均含用钱、花钱之义。 These words all mean to give money to pay for goods or services.
指用钱、花钱: to give money to pay for goods or services
She spent £100 on a new dress. 她花100英镑买了一条新连衣裙。
指(机构或政府)投资: (of an organization or a government) to spend money on sth in order to make it better or more successful
The government has invested heavily in public transport. 政府已对公共交通投入了大量资金。
指为某事或向某人付巨款: to pay a lot of money for sth or to sb
The company pays out a large share of its profits in dividends. 该公司将很大一部分利润用作红利。
指总算付清全部欠款: ( rather informal ) to pay all the money that you owe to sb, especially when you do not want to or when the payment is late
I had a hard time getting him to pay up. 我好不容易让他还清了全部欠款。
指勉强付出或交出(钱): ( informal ) to pay or give money unwillingly
She finally coughed up the money she owed. 她最终勉强归还了她的欠款。
尤指不情愿地大量花钱、大把掏钱: ( informal ) to spend a lot of money on sth, especially unwillingly
We've forked out a small fortune on home improvements over the years. 这些年来我们花了许多钱做房屋装修。
指大量花钱、大把掏钱 ( informal ) to spend a lot of money on sth
PHRASAL VERB (不情愿地)清偿,付清 If you pay up , you give someone the money that you owe them or that they are entitled to, even though you would prefer not to give it.
We claimed a refund from the association, but they would not pay up. 我们要求该协会退款,但是他们不肯付钱。
We claimed a refund from the association, but they would not pay up. 我们要求该协会退款,但是他们不肯付钱。
He'll never pay up unless you get tough with him. 你如果不对他硬点,他是决不会把钱付清的。
Every club member must pay up his membership money before the end of the season. 每一位俱乐部成员必须在赛季结束以前缴清会费。
Unless you pay up I shall tell my solicitor to write to you. 除非你付清欠款,否则我要叫我的律师给你写信。
I'll have to work years only to pay up the mortgage. 我得干很多年来还抵押贷款。
My goods were lost in the fire and the insurance company will have to pay up. 我的货在大火中烧毁了,保险公司将不得不赔偿。
I told you to pay up last week. 我告诉过你上个礼拜要付清的。
I'll take you to court unless you pay up immediately. 除非马上还清欠款,否则我和你打官司。
But it still gives warning of how messy things can get when countries don't pay up. 但是他仍然给了我么一个警告债务国可能不还钱。
We then went to the room and realised why they had asked us to pay up front. 我们进到房间的时候才知道为什么他们一定要我们在前台就付钱。
B: We'll pay up as soon as we can. B:我们会尽快付清的。
If you go and ask he just might pay up. 如果你去问他要他会付清的。
If I don't pay up, he's going to the cops. 如果我不付钱,他就报警。
Tell your boy Griffin to pay up in cash tomorrow. 告诉你的griffin,明天用现金付清。
As for emerging countries, they must pay up the capital to back additional votes. 至于新兴国家,它们必须付清全部款项来支持其额外的投票权。
He finally pay up six month late. 他最终付清了欠款但晚了6个月。
You must pay up what you owe me. 欠你的钱我月底还清。你欠我的钱必须还清。
If their goods are lost, the insurance company will have to pay up. 如果他们的货物损失了,保险公司要偿付赔款。
I owe you one and I'm gonna pay up. 既然我欠你我就一定要还清。
They'll take us to court if we don't pay up soon. 要是我们不马上付清债款,他们就要控告我们。
He asked me to pay up. 他要求我把钱付清。
Man: "pay up. I told you he could talk." 男人:“掏钱吧,和你说了它会说话的。”
I have to pay up 1,000 dollars I owed him at one time. 我必须一次还债欠他的1000美元。
Popcorn and sausage dinners notwithstanding, some Americans remain willing to pay up for a healthier diet. 尽管爆米花和香肠晚餐的销量上升了,但仍有一些美国人愿意在健康饮食上面花钱。
If you don't pay up, I'll take legal action. 你若不将钱还清的话,我全采取法律行动的。
I had a hard time getting him to pay up. 我好不容易让他还清了全部欠款。
You'd better pay up, and that immediately. 你最好把钱付清,马上就付清。
cancel or discharge a debt
pay up, please!
Synonym: ante up pay